Spinning Babies® Parent Class | Nashville | Clarksville | Heidi Duncan, SpBCPE

Do I need to take a Spinning Babies® class?

You've seen the videos and you already have a doula, so you may be wondering "Do I need to take a Spinning Babies® class too?"

Yes! And here are 6 reasons why! 

➡️ Parent Educators Receive In-Depth Training

Spinning Babies Parent Educators spend 4 days training with midwife, Gail Tully, who developed the techniques. In comparison, doulas only have access to a 1-day workshop from secondary trainers. Doulas are an incredible resource and support but they aren't trained to teach.

➡️ Safety is of the Utmost Importance

Parent Educators are specifically taught how to use the techniques correctly and safely. Many of the videos found on YouTube are not from approved trainers and demonstrate the forward inversion or side-lying release in an unsafe way, which can cause harm to the mother or baby.

➡️ In-Person Demonstrations are Key

While the Spinning Babies website contains a lot of great information, it can be hard to translate that from reading words into physical movements. During the class, students (and their partners) are encouraged to practice as they learn to get a feel for how to do the stretches and techniques correctly.

➡️ Receive Individual Hands-On Support

In the Parent Class, teachers give hands-on guidance and feedback to enable each family to know they are doing everything correctly. In addition, a Parent Educator can point out individual contraindications and suggest modifications that work rather than feeling like you have to avoid that technique altogether.

➡️ Building Confidence is Invaluable

Seeing a forward-leaning inversion looks easy enough, but attempting it is something else entirely. It can feel awkward and challenging. Getting immediate feedback from a trained Parent Educator is invaluable when mastering these techniques. Feeling the movement correctly in your body the first time will give you the confidence to continue to practice at home and use them during labor.

➡️ Get Your Questions Answered

During the Spinning Babies® Parent Class, students and their partners have an opportunity to ask questions to ensure they have a full understanding of the "how" and "why" everything works.

Real Life Example

I've often had couples who were watching the daily essentials videos and doing those movements at home. When they arrived to the Parent Class they realized they had misunderstood the instructions and/or were doing the movements incorrectly. Don't let this happen to you.


Posted in Education.